Masafumi Horio's webpage


Masafumi Horio  ――   Assistant professor, University of Tokyo
e-mail: mhorio[at]

Research field

Photoemission and x-ray scattering study of strongly correlated electron systems


Professional experience

Prizes, Awards

10. The Japanese Society for Synchrotron Radiation Research Incentive Award (January 2024).

9. The Japan Society of Vacuum and Surface Science: Technical Award (November 2023).

8. High Temperature Superconductivity Forum Young Scientist Incentive Award (September 2019).

7. PhD thesis award: Department of physics, the University of Tokyo, (March 2017).

6. Best poster prize: Photon Factory symposium 2016, (Tsukuba, Japan, March 14-15, 2017).

5. Best poster prize: UVSOR symposium 2016, (Okazaki, Japan, October 29-30, 2016).

4. Best poster prize: International School “Multi-Condensates Superconductivity”, (Erice, Italy, July 20-24, 2014).

3. Best poster prize: Photon Factory symposium 2013, (Tsukuba, Japan, March 18-19, 2014).

2. Master thesis award: Department of physics, the University of Tokyo, (March 2014).

1. Best poster prize: 11th A3 Foresight Program Joint Research on Novel Properties of Complex Oxides, (Shanghai, China, October 29-31, 2012).


Committee memberships